Food and Drink

Food and Drink
Tips to Make Takeout Meals Healthier

Hello everyone! I try to eat well, but sometimes (around 2 or 3 times a week) I buy takeout meals for dinner. […]

Food and Drink
Health Beneficial Teas

Hello everyone! It’s very hot here in Tokyo! We, common Japanese people, feel sorry for the athletes who […]

Food and Drink
Effects on Eating Less When Working from Home

Hello everyone! Since COVID-19 began last year, our company allowed us to work from home, 3 or 4 times a week […]

Food and Drink
Homemade Kombucha

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my homemade kombucha. When we Japanese hear the word &#822 […]

Food and Drink
The Result of Reducing Alcohol Intake and How I Did It

Hello everyone! One of my habits I wanted to improve was to reduce alcohol consumption. Until the beginning of […]

Food and Drink
Hara Hachi Bu – Eat up to 80% Full

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about one of the Japanese wellness theories – “Hara hac […]

Food and Drink
Vegetables are Key to Keeping Youth

Hello everyone! Today we received vegetables from my husband’s parents. They look so beautiful, don&#821 […]

Food and Drink
Onion Koji

One of the factors I feel happy about living in Japan is that there are many fermented foods. I started to mak […]

Food and Drink
Koya Dofu (Freeze Dried Tofu)

Koya Dofu (高野豆腐 in Japanese) is one of the traditional Japanese food ingredients. It is made from soy beans. J […]
